Zanaria Filatelici Contacts

Zanaria Filatelici is also available for making evaluations, giving informations about our activities, or any philatelic information you may need.  Below the informations to get in touch with us.

Our office in Milan

Zanaria Filatelici
Via Brisa, 3 - 20123 Milan (MI) Italy
Phone: +39 02.8052427 | Fax: +39 02.8051186

Offices hours
Monday: 2.00-6.30pm
From Thuesday to Friday: 9.30am-1.00pm  and  2.00-6.30pm
Saturday: 9.30am-1.00pm

C.F e P.IVA: IT-00714210150 – C.C.I.A.A. MI n° 239186